湾区文化沙龙 (BACCS)




BACCS电影系列第二弹来啦~ 本次将放映毕赣导演的成名作《路边野餐》。导演深受塔可夫斯基影响,用诗歌与长镜头构建出了一个诗意恍惚、温热潮湿的贵州黔东南;这部片子也一跃成为华语电影过去十年间最令人瞩目的文艺片。本次放映同样与Roxie Theater合作,邀请大家在7月29日下午4:05,与我们一同体验一场亚热带潮湿幻梦。


路边野餐 Kaili Blues


地点:Roxie Theater 3117 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103

时间:7月29日 4:05pm

购票链接:ROXIE 官网


活动预告:接下来我们还计划将与Roxie Theater合作,放映万玛才旦等导演的作品, 请大家持续保持关注。


Co-presented by Bay Area Chinese Culture Salon

“A tour de force. The most elusive and the most memorable new movie that I’ve seen in quite some time…. manages to evoke Resnais, Tarkovsky, Hou Hsiao-hsien.”
— J. Hoberman, The New York Review of Books

In the mystical, subtropical province of Guizhou, there is a small county clinic surrounded by fog. At the Kaili clinic, there are two doctors who live quiet, lonely lives. One of the doctors, Chen Sheng, embarks on a journey by train to find his nephew, who had been abandoned by his brother. On the way to Zhenyuan, Chen Sheng came across a place called Dang Mai, where time seemed to flow both forwards and backwards, the lives of the local people a complete mystery. He experiences his own past and future, lending him insight into his own life. Once Chen arrives at Zhen Yuan, rather than approaching his nephew, he watches secretly from a distance, he is surprised to find that his nephew flourished in the absence of his father, and decides not to interfere in his life. Before he had left Kaili, he had promised his colleague that he would stop by the home of her former lover to deliver some items, but upon his arrival, he is told that the man had passed away, and he leaves the box of mementos …