湾区文化沙龙 (BACCS)


2024-07-27 第80期 食品安全面面观 Food Safety Panorama By Luke Lin, 严志农, 姜雨

2024-07-20 第79期 运动损伤的预防与恢复 Sport Injury Prevention and Recovery By Jade, Cathy Lu and Luguang Wei

2024-06-25 第78期 张维迎&周航:重新理解企业家精神与海外华人创业 Revisiting Entrepreneurship By Zhang Weiying & Zhou Hang

2024-06-16 第77期 姬十三:中文互联网的迁徙——从豆瓣到豆包 by Ji Shisan The Migration of Chinese Internet: From Douban to Doubao

2024-06-09 第76期 自己的新聞自己做,看到你身邊的世界——端傳媒分享:我們如何為北美讀者報導新聞 by 甯卉 & 楊靜 Cultural Revolution as a Historical Metaphor: The Origins and Limits of the Politics of Memory

2024-04-20 第75期 文革作为历史隐喻:记忆政治的起源与局限 by Simon Luo Cultural Revolution as a Historical Metaphor: The Origins and Limits of the Politics of Memory

2024-04-13 第74期 Asian Women’s Health Awareness: Lung Cancer and Beyond by Jeffrey Velotta, MD

2024-04-06 第73期 公益法律人:为女性与性少数赋权 by Xiaoyu, 姜予予&Rey Public Interest Lawyering in China: The Good Fight

2024-03-23 第72期 语言复兴——基本原则与经验分享 by Laubonghaudoi Language Revitalization: Basic principles and experience sharing

2024-03-16 第71期 何谓女性自由:具备公共视野的成长与创作 by 若含&米米亚娜 What Is Freedom for Women: Growth and Creation with a Public Perspective

2024-02-24 第70期 我和《即兴戏剧》有个约会 —— 听从你内心的声音和直觉,你的天赋与生俱来!Yes and ! by 苏广辉(Bright Su) Yes and ! —— Meeting the author of Improvisational Theatre

2023-12-16 第69期 如何记录中国 by Keith Zhai 20 Years Covering China

2023-11-12 第68期 美国建筑师亨利·茂飞的中国实践 by 张博远 A Chinese Renaissance: American Architect Henry Killam Murphy and His Practice in China by Boyuan Zhang

2023-10-22 第67期 守望中东:巴以关系何去何从?by Xinyi Navigating the Contemporary Conflict: The Israeli-Palestinian Dynamics by Xinyi

2023-10-01 第66期 那些“走线”赴美的中国人 by Mengyu The Surge of Chinese Migration through the Perilous Darien Gap, Explained by Mengyu

2023-09-23 第65期 美国移民法历史与中国移民 by 包包 A History of American Immigration Law and Chinese Immigrants by Baobao

2023-09-15 SP09 来和阿球聊聊喜剧 by阿球 Sketch and Improv Comedy by AQiu

2023-07-23 第64期 脑神经网络与意识探秘 by Echo Brain Neural Networks and Consciousness by Echo

2023-05-20 第63期 在全世界做公益是怎样的体验?by 黄泓翔 How to Practice Public Welfare Globally by Hongxiang Huang

2023-05-13 第62期 中国女权:世妇会后三十年 by 李思磐 A Review on Feminism Activism in China: 30 Years after the Fourth World Conference on Women by Sipan Li

2023-05-06 电影沙龙第1期:宇宙探索编辑部 Journey to the West

2023-04-30 第61期 远走高飞之梦:中国女性留学生在西方 Dreams of Flight: The Lives of Chinese Women Students in the West by Fran Martin, Xuting Zhang

2023-03-05 第60期 我在MET修文物 by 包嫒迪 Cultural Artefact Repair at MET by Aidi Bao

2023-02-26 第59期漫谈ChatGPT:AI与人类交互的里程碑? ChatGPT: a milestone for AI and Human Interaction?by Weize Kong, Haoruo Peng, Qilin Sun

2022-10-01 第58期“转码成功学”的另一面 by 暴力喵 Becoming Programmers: Hopes and Myths by Baolimiao

2022-09-10 第57期 Web3 内容生态中的经济与博弈 Kevin Zhang、张洁平、刘果 Economy and Game Theory in Web3 Content Ecology by Kevin Zhang, Jieping Zhang, Guo Liu

2022-09-10 第56期如何有效地改变世界 by何流 Public Welfare and Effectiveness Altruistic Practice by Liu He

2022-08-06 第55期 无家可归者与加州住房危机 Homelessness in the Bay Area by Agnes Cho

2022-07-23 第54期LGBTQ社群在中国 by 燕子 LGBTQ in China by Yanzi

2022-07-02 第53期 美国悲剧:推翻罗伊诉韦德 by 汤依薇 An American Tragedy: Overturning Roe v. Wade by Yiwei Tang

2022-04-17『北滩青年第02期』 数字“移”民:穿堂风AMA As a Digital Immigrant, a Podcast Host, and a Women-focused Forum Founder – Ask Me Anything by Chuantangfeng

2022-03-07 『北滩青年第01期』本山学导论 by陈熹 Introduction to Benshan Zhao’s Sketch Show and the Art of Humor by Xi Chen

2021-11-20 第52期 珍珠小百科 by寿绍迪 Introduction to Pearls by Shaodi Shou

【地球科学系列】Earth Science Series

2021-10-16 第51期 【地球居民手册】磁场风暴与人类电力系统 by孙睿 Magnetic Storm and Human Electric System by Rui Sun

2021-10-16 第50期 【地球居民手册】我们南极大陆生活日记 by徐中华 Our Dairy on Living at Antarctica Continent by Zhonghua Xu

2021-10-09 第49期【地球居民手册】我们为什么关注冰川 by 安璐 Why We Need to Focus on Glaciers by Lu An

2021-10-03 第48期 【地球居民手册】地下水:至关重要、岌岌可危 by 张弛 Underground Water: Critical, In Immediate Danger by Chi Zhang


2021-09-18 第47期 翻译的政治与美学陷阱:从《素食主义者》英译谈起 by 钱佳楠 Politics and Aesthetic Traps in Literature Translation: A Case Study on English Translation of “The Vegetarian”(Author: Han Kang) by Jianan Qian

2021-09-11 第46期 中美贸易战三年半:美国企业的立场与表述 by 冯一郎 Three and half years into China-US Trade War: Standpoints and Views from American Companies by Yilang Feng

2021-07-31 SP09 从基石到尖端:百人会【香槟文化沙龙开幕活动】

2021-07-24 第45期 数字货币:货币的未来 by 陈泽丰 Digital Currency: the Future of Currencies by Zefeng Chen

2021-07-10 第44期 走进人类学田野考察:以朝鲜族跨国移民与归属感研究为例 by 李婧怡 Intro to Anthropology Field Study: A Case Study of Korean Ethnic Group Immigration and Belongingness by Jingyi Li

【Asian Women: Our Voice, Our Narratives系列】(与她乡论坛合办)

2021-05-08 SP08 Asian Exclusion与性别化的亚裔刻板印象 by 何芳 Asian Exclusion and Genderized Asian Stereotype by Fang He

2021-05-01 SP07 Empower Asian Women 这些组织在做什么? Empower Asian Women: Intro to a few Organizations

2021-04-25 SP06 亚裔女性身份认同 Asian Women Self-Identity

2021-04-18 SP05 亚裔女性在前线 Asian Women at the Frontline

【科技伦理系列】Technology and Ethnics Series

2021-05-01 第43期【科技伦理系列04】无障碍设计与研究 by 刘正阳、丁尧、夏冰莹、林煜璐 Accessible Design and Research by Zhengyang Liu, Yao Ding, Bingying Xia, Yulu Lin

2021-04-24 第42期【科技伦理系列03】科技与个人隐私 by Jingjing Ren Technology and Personal Privacy by Jingjing Ren

2021-04-17 第41期【科技伦理系列02】以人为本的人工智能 by 廖庆子、王大阔 Human-center AI by Qingzi Liao, Dakuo Wang

2021-04-10 第40期 【科技伦理系列01】Misinformation and Social Media by 沈粹华 Misinformation and Social Media by Cuihua Shen

2021-04-09 SP04 《成为女人》短片展对谈(二) “Becoming Women” Short Films Interviews – Part 2

2021-04-02 SP03 《成为女人》短片展对谈(一) “Becoming Women” Short Films Interviews – Part 1

2021-03-19 第39期 剧场线上制作与隔离下的新语言:《想象场》《哗变》限时展映与主创对谈 Online Theater Production and the New Language in Quarantine

2021-03-13 第38期 穿越前必上的语言学课:汉语及其方言的前世今生 by 周煜楼 The Language Class You Have to Take Before Time Travel: History of Chinese and Chinese Dialect by Yulou Zhou

2021-02-28 SP02 在麦田里守望华语音乐激荡三十年 by 宋柯 The Catcher in the Music Rye: Witness Chinese Music in the Past 30 Years by Ke Song

2021-02-07 第34期 退出当代生活的3D MoGraph艺术家和她的拟像现实主义 by Curry Sicong Tian The 3D Motion Graph Artist who Exits Morden Life, and her Simulacra Realism by Curry Sicong Tian

2021-02-06 SP01 误解,猎奇,共情:《杀马特,我爱你》放映与对谈 by 李一凡、战洋、Afra Misunderstand, Alienate, Empathy: “I love you, Smart” Movie Show and Interview by Yifan Li, Yang Zhan, Afra

【代孕话题系列】Discussion on Surrogacy Series

2021-03-06 第37期 中国代孕市场田野调查 by 李在洲 Field Study on China Surrogacy Market by Zaizhou Li

2021-02-20 第36期 如此愤怒,别无选择?——从代孕话题看当下中国女权生态 by 吕频 So Angry Without Other Choices? A Review of Feminist Ecology in China Today by Pin Lv

2021-02-13 第35期 从配子到孩子谈生殖,从宫里到心理谈健康 by 夏沪川 From Gamete To Child Talking about Reproduction, From Womb to Mental Talking about Health by Huchuan Xia

2021-02-06 第33期 “反对一切形式的代孕”?我们要如何进入代孕的公共讨论 by 孙金昱 “Against All Forms of Surrogacy?” How Can We Enter the Public Discussion of Surrogacy by Jinyu Sun

2021-01-30 第32期 – 新冠疫苗的现状解读与科普 by 罗威、张文明 Explanation on the Current Status of Covid Vaccine by Wei Luo, Wenming Zhang

2021-01-16 第31期 – 口音说 – 言语治疗师带你突破口语沟通的瓶颈 by 都瑶、李橙、高晓君 Accent – Speech Therapists Lead You to Improve Your English Speaking by Yao Du, Cheng Li, Xiaojun Gao

2021-01-09 第30期 – AlphaFold会改变什么? (纽约文化沙龙合办)by 赖力鹏、谭大治 What will AlphaFold Change? by Lipeng Lai, Dazhi Tan

2020-12-19 第29期 – 美国排华法案中的社会性别、身体和移民筛选 (纽约文化沙龙合办)by 何芳 Social Identity, Body and Immigration Screening in Chinese Exclusion Act by Fang He

2020-11-21 第28期 – 美国大选已经结束,我们来做个总结 by 王浩岚 Now That the Election is Over, Let’s Review it by Haolan Wang

2020-11-14 第27期 – JustPod 杨一来聊你未必熟悉的播客风云 by 杨一 Anecdotes in Podcast Industry that You Might Not Know by Yi Yang (JustPod)

2020-10-10 第26期 – 美国大选马上就到,我们来做个准备 by 王浩岚 The Election is about to Happen, Let’s Prepare for it by Haolan Wang

2020-10-04 第25期 – 加州大火:全球变暖启示录?by 印铁、陈默、了了 California Fire: Revelation of Global Warming? by Tie Yin, Mo Chen, Liao Liao

2020-09-27 第24期 – Hiker的湾区户外大合集 by Hiker Intro to Outdoor Activities at the Bay Area by Hiker

2020-09-12 第23期 – 居家咖啡101 by Samuel Coffee at Home 101 by Samuel

【线上艺术馆系列】Online Art Museum Series

2020-08-08 第22期 -『线上艺术馆之东亚艺术系列第三期』从中国城开始,解读当代华人艺术 by YY Decode Modern Chinese Art from Chinatown by YY

2020-08-01 第21期 -『线上艺术馆之东亚艺术系列第二期』东之伊甸——解读京都鬼才若冲的双子鸟兽图屏风 by 秦宝宝 Eden of the East: Decode the Artwork “Birds and Animals in the Flower Garden” by Kyoto Genius Artist Ito Jakuchu by Baobao Qin

2020-07-25 第20期 -『线上艺术馆之东亚艺术系列第一期』中国传统壁画中人物形象的隐喻 by 小叔 The Metaphor of Human Figures in Chinese Traditional Mural by Xiaoshu

【种族问题系列】Racial Issue Series

2020-07-18 第19期 – 『种族问题线上沙龙第六期 』统计性歧视和“色盲”的科学研究 by 钱聿杰 Statistical Discrimination and Blindness in Scientific Research by Yujie Qian

2020-07-11 第18期 – 『种族问题线上沙龙第五期 』不完美的正义——刑事系统里的种族滤镜 by 王逸帆 Imperfect Justice: Racial Filter in the Criminal System by Yifan Wang

2020-07-04 第17期 – 『种族问题线上沙龙第四期 』种族与美国的社会运动版图 by 夕岸 Intro to Race and American Social Movement by Xi’an

2020-06-27 第16期 – 『种族问题线上沙龙第三期 』种族问题:阅读、辨析、反思 by 北大飞 Racial Issues: Reading, Analysis, Reflection by Beidafei

2020-06-20 第15期 – 『种族问题线上沙龙第二期 』在美国,亚裔如何支持种族正义 by 游天龙、唐韵 How Asians Can Support Racial Justice In the US by Tianlong You, Yun Tang

2020-06-13 第14期 – 『种族问题线上沙龙第一期 』司法种族主义、警察暴力与抗议中的暴力 by 林垚 Judicatory Racism, Police Violence and Violence in the Protest by Yao Lin

2020-05-02 第12期 – 艺术如何介入社会?从疫情系列作品谈起 by 李佳宝、郑宏彬 How can Art Get Involved in Life? Discussion on a Series of Artwork on Covid by Jiabao Li, Hongbin Zheng

【新冠科普系列】Scientific Discussion on Covid Series

2020-05-16 第13期 – 『全美线上新冠科普沙龙第七期 』新冠诊断及康复跟踪技术 by 谭骁天 Covid Diagnosis and Recover Tracking Technology by Xiaotian Tan

2020-05-02 第11期 – 『全美线上新冠科普沙龙第六期 』疫情下的经济 by 陈泽丰 Economic under Covid Impact by Zefeng Chen

2020-04-11 第10期 – 『全美线上新冠科普沙龙第五期 』居家营养实践 by 周雯 Nutrition Practice at Home by Wen Zhou

2020-03-28 第9期 – 『全美线上新冠科普沙龙第四期 』居家健身 by 邓昱旻、吕松泽 Execrise at Home by Yumin Deng, Songze Lv

2020-03-14 第8期 – 『全美线上新冠科普沙龙第三期 』药物研发 by 周叶斌 Drug Development by Yebin Zhou

2020-03-07 第7期 – 『全美线上新冠科普沙龙第二期 』危机心理与应对 by 徐艺珊 Mental Crisis and How to Deal With It by Yishan Xu

2020-02-29 第6期 – 『全美线上新冠科普沙龙第一期 』流行性疾病的疫苗防控 by 黄璜 Prevention and Control of Epidemic Disease by Vaccine by Huang Huang

2020-01-18 第5期 – 伊斯兰极端主义来龙去脉 by 北大飞 The History of Islam Extremism by Beidafei

2019-12-14 第4期 – 信息自由的乌托邦与现实 by 刘果 The Utopia and Reality of Information Freedom by Guo Liu

2019-12-07 第3期 – 人如其食(We are what we eat) by 胡倩 We are What We Eat by Qian Hu

2019-11-09 第2期 – S386专题:法案、立法流程与公众实践 by S386志愿者 S386 Bill: Bill, Legislation Procedure, and Public Practice by Volunteers of S386 Bill

2019-10-12 第1期 – 扩展现实:浅谈下一个时代的信息交互平台 by Victor Hu Extended Reality: Information Exchange Platform of Next Generation by Victor Hu

2019-08-24 第0期 – 量子物理与科幻作品推介 by Ivy Quantum Physics and Sci-Fi Works Recommendation (Including Books, Movies, Amines and Games) by Ivy