湾区文化沙龙 (BACCS)



BACCS电影系列第三弹来啦!本次活动将在8月13日下午连续放映两部万玛才旦(པད་མ་ཚེ་བརྟན།)导演的的作品 – 《塔洛(ཐར་ལོ།)》与《撞死了一只羊(ལག་དམར།)》。2023年5月8日,万玛才旦导演猝然离世的噩耗震惊电影圈。作为国际最知名的中国藏族导演,万玛才旦以一己之力促成了“藏地电影新浪潮”的传奇,于藏地之上描绘苍茫天地间徘徊于过去,挣扎于现在的人们。从2005年自编自导《静静的嘛呢石》开始,万玛才旦就是过年最活跃高产的导演之一。本次活动在他丰富的作品中选取《塔洛》(第72届威尼斯电影节最佳影片提名,第52届台北金马影展最佳剧情片提名)以及《撞死了一只羊》(第75届威尼斯电影节最佳剧本奖)。两场连看的pass有优惠,欢迎大家在8月13号前往Roxie Theater观看。


Writer and director Pema Tseden (1969-2023) is widely recognized as the leading filmmaker of a newly emerging Tibetan cinema and the first director in China to film his movies entirely in the Tibetan language. Tseden has published more than 50 short stories and novels both in Tibetan and Chinese; his work has won numerous wards including the Drang-char (sbrang-char) Tibetan Literature Prize and has been translated into languages English, French, and German.


High in the desolate, windswept mountains of Tibet lives a shepherd named Tharlo. He tends his sheep and rides his motorcycle, passing his days in familiar and traditional routines far from the city lights. But when Tharlo travels to the city for an ID card photo and meets Yangtso, a modern young hairdresser, his monastic life will forever change.


On the path of life, sometimes we meet someone whose dreams overtake our own to the point that they converge. This is a story of revenge and redemption. On an isolated road passing through the vast barren plains of Tibet, a truck driver who has accidentally run over a sheep chances upon a young man who is hitching a ride. As they drive and chat, the truck driver notices that his new friend has a silver dagger strapped to his leg; he comes to understand that this man is out to kill someone who wronged him earlier in life. As he drops the hitchhiker off at a fork in the road, little does the truck driver realize that their short time together has changed everything, and that their destinies are inexorably intertwined.

Directed by Pema Tseden. Produced by Jacky Pang and Wong Kar-Wai.