湾区文化沙龙 (BACCS)




BACCS电影系列第五弹来啦!本次将响应大家诉求,重映邱炯炯导演的成名作《椒麻堂会》。导演是画家出身,从一个川剧演员的人生简史出发,采用大胆的美术布景和摄影风格讲述了一个地府鬼怪奇谈和个人史诗糅合的超现实主义故事。本次放映同样与Roxie Theater合作,特别加上了中英双语字幕,邀请大家在9月17日12:15pm,与我们一同体验一场狂野又戏谑,沉重也轻巧的百年荒诞川渝史。


Language:Mandarin with English & Chinese subtitles

“The brightest light in the Chinese independent cinema world at this moment.”—Cinema Scope

Co-presented with Roxie

QIU Jiongjiong’s visually magnificent new film is a unique hybrid of fiction, historical reminiscence, and experimental theatre. Its overview of China from the 1930s to the 1980s is filtered through Qiu Yu, a Sichuan opera ‘clown’ based on the director’s own famous grandfather. As Qiu Yu negotiates his entry into Hades with two comic sidekicks, his departing soul reviews his childhood, his performances, family tragedies, and political perils.

This film of unparalleled aesthetic and political courage takes place in modestly spectacular visual settings: Qiu, a famous artist, has handcrafted an exquisite miniature model village, a fantastical river landscape, a golden sun in the shape of a Buddha’s head. These images set the scene for a constantly shifting acting style that embraces absurdism, political melodrama, comic vaudeville, and ritual tableaux. We are offered memory as a re-lived collective experience, insistently comic in its mode, but expansively humane in its vision. —IFFR